Most people, at some point in their life, will need to stand
up and speak in front of a group of people. However, for many individuals,
standing up in public and doing a speech is one of their greatest fears. If you
get nervous when speaking in front of large groups, know that you are not
alone. Psychologists attribute our phobia of public speaking to our fear of
being ostracised from a group, which thousands of years ago meant imminent
death by a large predator. However, with preparation, practice, and experience,
people can overcome their fear, build confidence, and deliver memorable
Nervousness is normal but the great news is that there are
many ways to overcome and tackle anxiety when speaking to a crowd. Thorough preparation
and practice will then help you to further conquer your fear of public
speaking. To get practice, seek opportunities to speak in front of others. You
could practice speaking in front of three or four people then add to the number
as you become more confident. You could also put yourself in situations that
require public speaking, such as volunteering to speak at team meetings or
training a group of people in a topic you feel confident in.
Being a good public speaker can not only enhance your
reputation, secure you a great promotion and open up numerous opportunities; it
can also boost your self-confidence. Although many people get incredibly
nervous the first time they have to do a speech in front of an audience, with
practice the nerves subside and they usually begin to enjoy the whole process.
People often report an increase in their confidence as well as a marked sense
of achievement, the more they practice speaking in public. Other benefits of
public speaking include developing your communication skills and overall
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