
Showing posts with the label ANCHORING


  VARIETIES OF PUBLIC SPEAKING   What is a speech? A speech refers to an informal or formal talk given to an audience. Giving a speech allows you to address a group of people to express your thoughts and oftentimes, your opinion. You can find speeches in many different environments and with many different purposes. For example, while you can give a quick speech before introducing someone, you can also give a speech to persuade others to see your point of view. Types of speeches Since speeches occur in a variety of settings and for different purposes, they fall into different categories. Knowing the various types of speeches can help you determine which best suits your needs the next time you speak publicly. Consider the following types of speeches: Informative speech Informative speeches aim to educate an audience on a particular topic or message. Unlike demonstrative speeches, they don't use visual aids. They do, however, use facts, data and statistics to help aud...


  LISTENING AND ITS IMPORTANCE Communicating well consists of two parts: expressing yourself and listening to others. Many people forget the second part. Lots of people are good at talking, but when it’s time to hear the thoughts and feelings of someone else, they fall short. Listening can be very challenging. It comes naturally to very few people, so to improve, you must be more intentional. Why is listening worth the extra effort? Here are ten reasons why it’s important: #1 Listening builds trust When you make the effort to listen to someone, they recognize your interest. They can tell that you’re invested in what they’re saying. This makes them more comfortable sharing with you and being open. If you were only half-listening, not making eye contact, or glancing at your phone, the other person won’t want to waste their breath. They won’t trust you to respect their thoughts and feelings. #2 Listening reduces misunderstandings Misunderstandings are one...


  HOW TO BECOME A BETTER LISTENER It’s never been more important — or more difficult — for leaders to be good listeners. Job switching is rampant, and remote work means we don’t get the nonverbal cues we’d pick up from an in-person conversation. Employers who fail to listen and thoughtfully respond to their people’s concerns will see greater turnover. And given that the highest rates of turnover are among top performers who can take clients and projects with them, and the frontline employees responsible for the customer experience, the risk is clear. While listening is a skill universally lauded, it’s rarely, if ever, explicitly taught as such, outside of training for therapists. A 2015 study showed that while 78% of accredited undergraduate business schools list “presenting” as a learning goal, only 11% identified “listening.” Listening well is the kind of skill that benefits from not just teaching but coaching — ongoing, specialized instruction from someone w...


  GUIDELINES FOR ETHICAL LISTENING Listening is one of the  important element in our interaction . We should listen to the people that give their ideas, and give us knowledge and experiences. Listening is also important in our studying especially in study foreign language. There are some rules to guide us in listening so we get the point of our interaction. First guideline for ethical listening is be polite and attentive. If we listen to the people show nonverbally that we support and encourage the speaker. Try to respect and appreciate the speaker and do not make a noise or have a conversation with others while they speak. After that, avoid prejudging the speaker is also the rules for ethical listening. While the speaker speak, we must listen first before deciding to accept or reject the speaker’s ideas. It is also important to comment or give our opinion in polite ways. Then, maintain the free and open expression of ideas is also important tip for ethical listening. ...


  ETHICS AND PUBLIC SPEAKING 1.Show Respect for Your Audience This is number one on my list because who determines the ultimate success of your speech is your AUDIENCE. One of the most important things you need to learn as a public speaker is showing respect for your audience.   Everyone loves to be respected and your audience loves that too. It definitely does not show respect to talk down on your audience or any particular person in the audience irrespective of their gender, religion, ethnicity, race, educational or social status. If getting your points across effectively requires making practical examples, then avoid making examples of your audience that will be little them or harm their reputation. Never… and I repeat… Never poke expensive jokes at any in your audience! Rather poke such jokes at yourself (if that is necessary anyway). 2. Respect Your Audience’s Time In a fast-paced world such as we live in today, time is of essence. It is a valuable asset...


  POWER OF PUBLIC SPEAKING Most people, at some point in their life, will need to stand up and speak in front of a group of people. However, for many individuals, standing up in public and doing a speech is one of their greatest fears. If you get nervous when speaking in front of large groups, know that you are not alone. Psychologists attribute our phobia of public speaking to our fear of being ostracised from a group, which thousands of years ago meant imminent death by a large predator. However, with preparation, practice, and experience, people can overcome their fear, build confidence, and deliver memorable speeches.   Becoming a Confident Speaker Nervousness is normal but the great news is that there are many ways to overcome and tackle anxiety when speaking to a crowd. Thorough preparation and practice will then help you to further conquer your fear of public speaking. To get practice, seek opportunities to speak in front of others. You could practice speaking in ...

Meaning of public speaking and its importance

  Meaning of public speaking and its importance What is public speaking? Basically, it's a presentation that's given live before an audience. Public speeches can cover a wide variety of different topics. The goal of the speech may be to educate, entertain, or influence the listeners. Often, visual aids in the form of an electronic slideshow are used to supplement the speech. This makes it more interesting to the listeners.  A public speaking presentation is different from an online presentation. The online presentation is available any time. A public speech is typically limited to a specific time or place. Online presentations often use slideshows. Or they use pre-recorded videos of a speaker. This includes recordings of a live public speaking presentation). Because speaking in public is done before a live audience, you need to consider some special factors. We'll touch on those shortly. Now you've got an understanding of the meaning of public speaking so let'...


  ELEMENTS OF PUBLIC SPEAKING 1. Speaker The speaker is the person giving the speech or rather the genesis of the communication process.The speech delivery process begins with the speaker. The effectiveness of the delivery will depend on their level of preparation, credibility, and knowledge of the topic.As a speaker, you should ensure you do enough research, prepare at length, and practice so that you impress your audience.   2. Message The message is the information you want your audience to get from your public speech.What would you like your audience to take away from your speech? What impact do you want to have on them? Ask yourself this question as you prepare for your speech.   3. Audience An audience is a group of people listening to or receiving your information.Your public speaking preparation should be all about your audience. While you write the speech you plan on delivering, ask yourself what the need is?Audience’s needs change according to their ...


  5P’S OF PUBLIC SPEAKING If you’ve been asked to give a public speech, you’d know how nervousness and anxiety can get the best of you. Many of us dream of presenting so flawlessly that the audience erupts in a standing ovation but fear of forgetting a line or stumbling on stage can quickly dampen any excitement. The good news is that, with thorough preparation and practice, you can overcome your nervousness and perform exceptionally well in public speaking. Just the other day I was having a conversation with my colleague Alex about moving audiences with great speeches. “I used to get so nervous when I was asked to give a speech”, said Alex. “You recently gave a powerful speech at the conference. How did you manage to do that?” I asked him. “It is very simple, a public speaking expert gave me 5p’s of public speaking and it has served me a long way in delivering speeches,” he said. Pulling from years of public speaking experience, Alex identified the 5Ps of public...

Voice Modulation

  Voice Modulation One of the most important tools you need for speaking is voice modulation. Mankind’s biggest fear is of Public Speaking, and that is often given away in someone’s voice. The way you modulate your voice, commands over people, hence it is a very important skill to master. Voice Modulation:  What does it even mean? It refers to how you control your voice when speaking.  When we speak, we are able to change the message by varying the : tone, stress on words, pitch, and changing the rate of speech. Effective voice modulation can mean the difference between a boring speech, and an audience captivating speech. However, modulation is not easy, and needs to be practised. Focus on how you speak to people in an individual setting, the shift in pitch and the tone of your voice.  You can modulate your voice by: i)  Varying the pitch of your voice : Females tend to have a higher pitch of voice, due to different anatomical structuring. When deliver...


  UNDERSTANDING YOUR VOICE Discovering your voice type is the first—and most important—step in figuring out what your voice is capable of and how much you can improve it. So, how do you go about doing it?  Range  - Your range determines your fundamental vocal category. It's a measure of the notes you can comfortably hit without straining your voice. Check online for guides on how best to assess your vocal range. There are many apps and articles with step-by-step instructions on how to self-assess.  Transitions  - Transitions mark your facility for switching between your  head voice  and your chest voice and vice versa. It illustrates your skill in changing notes and moving along the scale to a different form of singing.    Vocal Registers  - Transition determines where your register's breaking point is. Once you've figured that out, go back and determine how much of your range is in  each scale  between your ches...

Studio Anchoring and Location Anchoring

  Studio Anchoring and Location Anchoring There is nothing like location anchoring but the reporting from a particular outdoor event or happening is called outdoor anchoring Anchor vs. Reporter (Studio Anchoring and Location Anchoring)) Anchor and reporter are part of news channels. Sometimes the anchor may adorn the role of a reporter and vice versa. But it is quite rare that a reporter adorns the grab of an anchor. Though the anchor and the reporter could change sides, they are totally different in many respects. A reporter is one who gathers news on the current events and an anchor is a person who just sits down in front of camera and delivers the news to the people. Anchor also called as anchorman, anchor woman, news presenter and newsreader. A reporter travels around collecting news whereas the anchor just sits in the studio and reads out the news that has been collected. A reporter gets news through many ways like press conferences, interview, handouts and other way...


  SKILLS NEEDED TO BECOME A NEWS ANCHOR To become a news anchor, you will need a combination of skills and qualifications, including: Journalism education: A degree in journalism, mass communication, or a related field is typically required. Communication skills: You must be able to speak clearly and confidently and have excellent pronunciation and diction. Writing skills: You should have strong writing skills to create scripts and prepare news reports. Research skills: You must be able to research stories thoroughly and quickly, and gather information from a variety of sources. Critical thinking skills: You should be able to analyze information and draw conclusions, and be able to recognize potential biases in sources. Time management skills: You must be able to work under tight deadlines and manage your time effectively. Presentation skills: You should have an engaging personality, and be able to del...

Anchoring Styles

  Anchoring Styles   Nowadays it is often observed that we have special news bulletins to cater to viewers with specific set of interests. The nature of the programme determines the conduct of its anchor. In the case of special bulletins, an anchor must possess proper knowledge about that specific field. The presentation style varies with the   subject of the special bulletin. The list of some categories of special bulletin is as follows:   Sports: This category attracts different age groups of viewers. Knowledge, presence of mind and spontaneity are the most important criteria to become a successful sports anchor in India. For example- for a cricket lover, what matters is the way an anchor is able to steer arguments in the show and the input s/he gives to the show.   Crime: You would have come across crime shows or bulletins on television news channels. The show may be totally based on one crime or it may be presented like crime bulletin...

Types of News Anchors

   Types of News Anchors News Reader This type of news anchor only read the stories available on the teleprompter and don’t have active presence in the issues and programming and planning of the program. This type of anchor are called TP Reader in the general news room and are trainee anchors. Live News Anchor  Live news anchors are the next step of the news reader as the news anchor reading live on the screen is bit more sharp and familiar with the news and news making process as he or she have to read the news on live screen and in the case of any technical issue, they have to manage the situation. Panel Debate Anchor Panel anchors are those who have a wide experience of the news industries and the news content. These types of anchors hardly read the teleprompter or written script as they are familiar with the news stories, facts and back grounder of any news or event. They question the panelist sitting on the tv screen and ask other to counter  the fac...

Role of News Anchor

  Role of News Anchor There are four key moments in the life of a newsroom, and the news anchor is a key participant throughout each of them: (1) The provisional meeting This meeting takes place once a week. Its objective is to plan the reporting packages and anticipate on current or future events. Attending are the news director, the news anchor, department directors, the chief editors, writers, cameramen, researchers, and assistants. All external solicitations are examined, selected, or rejected. Elected stories are consigned in the newsroom’s agenda. (2) The newsroom meeting The newsroom meeting typically takes place six to eight hours before the newscast, to build the newscast of the day. It is held with every journalist in the room and, depending on the size of the station, may also include managers and technical teams. This meeting starts with the news review and a look into the agenda. Attendees contribute their points of view and ideas. The news director picks the s...

Responsibilities of a News Anchor

  Responsibilities of a News Anchor While their audiences typically watch them for just an hour or two a day, news anchors are on the job far longer than the duration of any newscast. The news anchor workload is demanding. It involves much more than interpreting a  teleprompter . The following is a list of some of the chief responsibilities of a news anchor. It should be noted, however, that the size of the station may dictate the degree to which the news anchor is involved in research and writing. Larger organizations commonly employ people in these specific roles. ·          Research local community, state, national, and international current events ·          Meet with the news director, reporters, and other news anchors to be briefed on the day’s news ·          Collaborate with the news director to choose stories to broadcast, considering sourc...