Types of News Anchors

  Types of News Anchors

News Reader

This type of news anchor only read the stories available on the teleprompter and don’t have active presence in the issues and programming and planning of the program. This type of anchor are called TP Reader in the general news room and are trainee anchors.

Live News Anchor

 Live news anchors are the next step of the news reader as the news anchor reading live on the screen is bit more sharp and familiar with the news and news making process as he or she have to read the news on live screen and in the case of any technical issue, they have to manage the situation.

Panel Debate Anchor

Panel anchors are those who have a wide experience of the news industries and the news content. These types of anchors hardly read the teleprompter or written script as they are familiar with the news stories, facts and back grounder of any news or event. They question the panelist sitting on the tv screen and ask other to counter  the fact.


This is also a type of anchoring but in most of the cases all the news anchors can handle the news interviews with any politicians or any prominent person but in the case of live interview where there is no scope of retake, the special anchor who have experience of live interviews is opted. In every news organization, there is a specialist anchor who have extra qualities to do the interview as per the interests of the viewer.

Programming Anchor

Programming anchor is the key person who is fully involved in the packaging of any program or any graphic based research program. This post in the news channels is called news producer cum news anchor. Some prominent journalists use to participate in each activity of the preparation of the program till the cameras are not live.





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