PR (Public Relations) is a communication discipline that deals with managing relationships between organizations and their various stakeholders, such as customers, employees, investors, and the general public. It involves creating and maintaining a positive image and reputation for the organization, and managing communication channels to build trust and credibility with stakeholders.


Publicity in PR refers to the process of gaining positive exposure for an individual, organization, or product in the media. This can include press releases, interviews, feature articles, and other forms of coverage in newspapers, magazines, television, and online media outlets. The goal of publicity is to increase brand awareness and credibility, and to build a positive reputation for the organization or individual. Publicity efforts can also be used to promote events, products, or services, or to address negative press or reputation issues.


Propaganda in public relations refers to the use of communication techniques to influence the opinions or behavior of a group of people. It is often associated with political or ideological causes and can involve the dissemination of biased or misleading information. Propaganda can be spread through various mediums such as print, radio, television, and social media. It can also be used to create a positive image of an organization or product, but it is often criticized for its manipulation of the truth and its potential to manipulate public opinion.


Lobbying in PR refers to the process of attempting to influence government policy or legislation by communicating with public officials and representatives. This can be done through various methods, such as building relationships with decision-makers, providing information and research, and organizing grassroots campaigns. The goal of lobbying in PR is to advocate for the interests of a specific group or organization, such as a company, industry, or non-profit. It is an important aspect of public relations, as it allows organizations to shape the laws and regulations that affect them, and to protect their interests in the political arena.

Public opinion

Public opinion in public relations (PR) refers to the attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions that members of the general public hold about a particular organization, product, service, or issue. It can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as media coverage, advertising, personal experiences, and social and cultural norms. In PR, understanding and managing public opinion is crucial for building and maintaining a positive reputation, and for effectively communicating with and influencing target audiences.

Attitude mobilization

Attitude mobilization in PR refers to the process of changing or influencing people's attitudes and perceptions towards a certain subject or issue through strategic communication efforts. This can be done by using various tactics such as media relations, social media campaigns, events, and other forms of communication to deliver a consistent and targeted message to a specific audience. The goal of attitude mobilization is to create positive perceptions and attitudes towards a particular subject or organization, which can lead to increased support, engagement, and loyalty from the target audience.


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