AIR Broadcast Code


Broadcasting on All India Radio by individuals will not permit the following:

  • Criticism of friendly countries.
  • Attack on religion or communities.
  • Anything obscene or defamatory.
  • Incitement to violence or anything against maintenance of law and order.
  • Anything amounting to contempt of Court.
  • Aspersion against the integrity of the President, Governors and the Judiciary.
  • Attack on a political party by name.
  • Hostile criticism of any State or the Centre.
  • Anything showing disrespect to the constitution or advocating change​ ​in the Constitution by violent means (but advocating changes in a​ ​constitutional way should not be debarred).

Doordarshan Commercial Code

1. Advertising shall be so designed as to conform to the laws of the countryand should not offend morality, decency and religious susceptibilities of thepeople.

2. No Advertisement shall be permitted which-

(i) derides any race, caste, colour, creed and nationality;

(ii) is against any of the directive principles, or any other provision of theConstitution of India;

(iii) tends to incite people to crime, cause disorder or violence, or breach oflaw or glorifies violence or obscenity in any way;

(iv) presents criminality as desirable;

(v) adversely affects friendly relations with foreign States;

(vi) exploits the national emblem, or any part of the constitution or respectedleaders, state dignitaries, Gods and Prophets belonging to variousreligions

(vii) relates to or promotes cigarettes and tobacco products, liquor, wines andother intoxicants either directly or indirectly.

(viii) in its depiction of women violates the constitutional guarantees to allcitizens such as equality of status and opportunity and dignity of the individual.In particular, no advertisement shall be permitted which projects a derogatoryimage of women. Women must not be portrayed in a manner that emphasizes passive, submissive qualities and encourages them to play a subordinate,secondary role in the family and society. The portrayal of men and womenshould not encourage mutual disrespect. Advertiser shall ensure that theportrayal of the female form is tasteful and aesthetic, and is within the wellestablished norms of good taste and decency.

(ix) shows institutions like Armed Forces, Paramilitary Forces, Police, TrafficPolice etc. in poor light.

3. Advertisement message being presented as news can be acceptedprovided it carries a super „This is an advertisement‟ throughout theadvertisement. The size of the „Super‟ shall be of minimum 36 pixel height andit should be in the same language as the audio of the advertisement.

4. No advertisement shall be permitted the objects whereof are wholly ormainly of a religious or political nature, advertisements must not be directedtowards any religious or political end or have any relation to any industrialdispute.

5. Advertisement for services concerned with the following shall not beaccepted.

(i) Unlicensed employment services;

(ii) Sooth-sayers etc. and those with claims of hypnotism;

(iii) Betting tips and guide books etc. relating to horse-racing or other

games of chance.

6. Doordarshan accepts the advertisements of educationalinstitutions/colleges. However, it must be ensured that the institutions/collegesare genuine so as to ensure that students do not get misled.Doordarshan will also accept advertisements relating to holiday resorts andhotels.Doordarshan also accepts the advertisements relating to real estate includingsale of flats/land, flats for rent both commercial and residential.Doordarshan has also allowed the telecast of :

(i) Foreign products and foreign banks including financial services;

(ii) Jewelry and precious stones;

(iii) Mutual funds approved by SEBI;

(iv) Hair dyes;

(v) Matrimonial agencies.

However, to ensure that viewers do not get misled by false claims, it has beendecided that all such advertisements must carry a statutory message at the end Inthe form of super imposition or caption as follows:



7. The items advertised shall not suffer from any defect or deficiency asmentioned in Consumer Protection Act, 1986.8. No advertisement shall contain references which are likely to lead thepublic to infer that the product advertised or any of its ingredients has somespecial or miraculous or super-natural property or quality which is difficult ofbeing proved.

9. No advertisement shall contain the words „Guarantee‟ or „Guaranteed‟,etc. unless the full terms of the guarantee are available for inspection by theDirector General, Doordarshan, and are clearly set out in the advertisement andare made available to the purchaser in writing at the point of sale or with thegoods. In all cases terms must include details of the remedial action available tothe purchaser. No advertisement shall contain a direct or implied reference toany guarantee which purports to take away or diminish the legal rights of apurchaser.

10. Scientific or statistical excerpts from technical literature etc., may be usedonly with a proper sense of responsibility to the ordinary viewer. Irrelevant dataand scientific jargon shall not be used to make claims appear to have a scientificbasis they do not possess. Statistics of limited validity should not be presentedin a way as to make it appear that they are universally true.

11. Advertisers or their agents must be prepared to produce evidence tosubstantiate any claims, testimonials or illustrations. The Director Generalreserves the right to ask for such proofs and get them examined to his fullsatisfaction. In case of goods covered by mandatory quality control orders, theadvertiser shall produce quality certificate from the institutions recognized bythe Government for this purpose.

12. Advertisements shall not contain disparaging or derogatory referencesto another product or service.

13. Imitation likely to mislead viewers shall be avoided.

14. Visual and verbal representation of actual and comparative prices andcosts shall be accurate and shall not mislead on account of undue emphasis ordistortion.

15. The picture and the audible matter of the advertisement shall not beexcessively „loud‟. This is to ensure that between the programme and theadvertisement there is a smooth change-over avoiding jerkiness or shock to theviewers.

16. Information to consumer in matters of weight, quality or prices ofproducts where given shall be accurate.

17. Advertisements indicating price comparisons or reductions must complywith relevant laws.

18. No advertisement shall be accepted which violates AIR and TVBroadcast Code which is reproduced below:-

General AIR/TV Code

(1) criticism friendly countries;

(2) attack on religions or communities;

(3) anything obscene or defamatory;

(4) incitement to violence or anything against maintenance of law and


(5) anything amounting to contempt of court;

(6) aspersions against the integrity of the President and Judiciary;

(7) anything affecting the integrity of the Nation; and

(8) criticism by name of any person.

19. Any pretence in advertising copy must be avoided and such copyshall not be accepted by DoordarshanKendras. The „simulation‟ ofappearance or voice of a personality in connection with advertisementsfor commercial products is also prohibited unless bona fide evidence isavailable that such personality has given permission for the simulationand it is clearly understood that stations telecasting such announcementsare indemnified by the advertiser or advertising agency against anypossible legal action.

20. No advertisement for a product or service shall be accepted if itsuggests in any way that unless the children themselves buy or encourageother people to buy the products or services, they will be failing in theirduty or lacking in loyalty to any person or organization.

21. No advertisement shall be accepted which leads children to beliefthat if they do not own or use the product advertised they will be inferiorin some way to other children or that they are liable to be condemned orridiculed for not owning or using it.

22. Any advertisement which endangers the safety of the children orcreates in them any interest in unhealthy practices, shall not be accepted.

23. Children shall not be shown begging or in undignified or indecentmanner.

24. No advertisement likely to being advertising into contempt ordisrepute shall be permitted. Advertising shall not take advantage of thesuperstition or ignorance of the general public.

25. No advertisements of talismans, charms and character reading fromphotographs or such other matter as well as those which trade on thesuperstition of general public shall be permitted.

26. Advertisements relating to or promoting astrology, numerology,palmistry and similar other forms of predictions shall not be permitted on


27. Advertising shall be truthful, avoid distorting facts and misleadingthe public by means of implications and omissions. For instance, it shallnot mislead the consumer by false statements, as to:

(i) the character of the merchandise, i.e. its utility, materials,ingredients, origin etc.

(ii) the price of the merchandise, its value, its suitability or termsof purchase.

(iii) the service accompanying purchase, including delivery,exchange, return, repair, upkeep etc.

(iv) personal recommendations of the article or service. Thequality or the value of competing goods or the trustworthiness ofstatements made by others.

28. No advertisement shall be permitted to contain any claimexaggerated as to lead inevitably to disappointment in the minds of thepublic.

29. Methods of advertising designed to create confusion in the mind ofthe consumer as between goods by one maker and another maker areunfair and shall not be used. Such methods may consist in:

(i) the imitation of the trademark or name of competition or thepackaging or labelling of goods; or

(ii) the imitation of advertising devices, copy, layout Or slogans.

30. Indecent, vulgar, suggestive, repulsive or offensive themes or treatmentshall be avoided in all advertisements. This also applies to such advertisementswhich in themselves are not objectionable as defined above, but which advertiseobjectionable books, photographs or other matter and thereby lead to their saleand circulation.

31. No advertisement in respect of medicines and treatments shall beaccepted which is in contravention of the code relating to Standards foradvertising of medicines and treatments as per Annexure-1.

32. Advertisements shall not portray animals or birds in a cruel, insensitive,disturbing or obnoxious manner. Such advertisements shall conform to theprevention of Cruelty to Animal Act, 1960.

33. No advertisement which promotes directly or indirectly production, saleor consumption of infant milk substitutes, feeding bottle or infant foods shall bepermitted.

34. For all the advertisements the size of the “Supers” shall be of minimum 12pixel height and stay not less than 4 seconds duration on the screen for up to 2lines of “Supers”. For every additional line of “Super” additional 2 seconds ofhold time would be required. Script of the “Supers” should be in the samelanguage as the audio of the advertisement.


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